Abasi Menhaji & Associates

¡Visita Abasi Menhaji & Associates en Paterson, NJ para obtener el mejor servicio legal en español! Nuestro equipo está listo para ayudarte con tus necesidades legales de lunes a miércoles, de 10 a.m. a 6 p.m. Nuestra ubicación conveniente en 1 Montclair Ave y nuestro número de teléfono (973) 523-3336 están a tu disposición. ¡No esperes más, llámanos y déjanos ayudarte hoy mismo!

Reseñas de Abasi Menhaji & Associates

Reseñas positivas de Abasi Menhaji & Associates

Cici A 5

  IACO, Immigration and American Citizenship Organization

I am eternally grateful for finding Azar. They don’t make lawyers like her anymore! She is persistent, creative, and thorough. She is so passionate and it shows through her work. She is a mastermind in court and just a veteran at what she…

Tako Kazarashvili 5

Azar A. Menhaji is great to work with.She is an amazing lawyer.At any time I need her she is always available to help quickly and a high level of professionalism. Since 1 years ago I have needed her service and as always the service…

Mia LAOS 5

She’s very professional and most important very honest. I remember, I went before her to other lawyers and some of them told me what I wanted to hear but not the reality of my case, I’m very grateful I found her, sometimes we only look for reviews but even she hasn’t too much SHE IS THE BEST!!!

Roxy Menhaji 5

Azar is an attorney that inspires so much unwavering trust and optimism. Her unhindered professionalism is exceptional, she’s courteous, timely, extremely organized and knowledgeable. I have never seen a lawyer this easy to work with. She…

  Law Offices of Noemi Simbron

Hussam AlOkush 5

Great lawyer, very personable and will hand hold you throughout the process and provide sound advice. i’ve been working with Mrs Menhaji for over 10 years on various family and friends related immigration matters and she delivers every time. She is my go to lawyer. Thanks Mrs Menhaji for all your efforts with us.

Reseñas negativas de Abasi Menhaji & Associates

leidy mercedes 1

Esta abogada es una estafadora, de verdad no pierdan su tiempo yendo donde ella. A ella solo le importa tomar el dinero, y encima amenaza y atrasa los procesos sin motivo alguno. Me estafo a mi y a mi cuñada y segura estafando a mas…

Kathryn Leishman 1

I just called to ask a simple question of the attorney. “Can you help a family who wants to immigrate from Gaza?” The secretary told me that to get a “Yes” or “No” answer to that question would cost $100. The secretary herself would not answer the question. Crazy.

zahid khan 1

The lady who picked up the phone, apparently who told me she was “Iranian”, had the most filthiest mouth ever. She told me f*off twice for no reason. Going to this firm will be the stupidest thing ever. She needs help and a serious help. I just couldn’t believe what she said to me.

  Hamdan Qudah, Esq.,

Nat Niko 1

She is not a lawyer , she barely knows anything , she is greedy and behaves awful , threatens her clients and demands more and more money .

Ella es terrible

CNN builds Creates 1

That’s the heartless person on planet heart when it comes to immigration, please don’t waste value time and money going to that attorney, please people I beg you …. Not heart in her

Cómo llegar a Abasi Menhaji & Associates

¡Encuentra al mejor abogado de inmigración en Paterson en nuestro directorio! Si estás buscando asesoramiento legal en temas de inmigración, no busques más. Nuestra plataforma te ofrece una lista completa de abogados especializados en leyes de inmigración en la ciudad de Paterson. Estos profesionales altamente calificados te ofrecerán la orientación y representación necesaria para resolver tus problemas legales de manera eficiente y efectiva. No pierdas más tiempo, visita nuestro directorio y encuentra al abogado perfecto para ti. ¡Tu futuro en Estados Unidos está en buenas manos!

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